Saturday, April 27, 2013

EATS: Thit Kho - Vietnamese Braised Pork Belly and Eggs

My day job is banking analyst at Whole Foods Market so naturally we talk a lot about food at work. :) One of my co-workers that I am pretty close with is Vietnamese. She, Kim, helps me recreate some wonderful traditional Vietnamese dishes. One of them being thit kho, which is a caramelized braised pork belly and eggs. This adapted from The Ravenous Couple, which can be found here.  Kim advised on a couple of changes and those are included below:

The ingredients:
Thit Kho

Saute the garlic and shallots: Thit Kho

Add the pork belly:
Thit Kho 

Add seasoning:
Thit Kho 

Add the hardboiled eggs and coconut water:
Thit Kho 

Cover and braise for 2 hours:
Thit Kho

Add to a bowl for rice and enjoy!
Thit Kho

2 lbs. pork belly
2 shallots
4 garlic cloves
4c coconut water
3 tbsp. fish sauce
1 tbsp. agave nectar
1 tbsp. pepper
1/2 tbsp. salt
4 eggs

Serves 4

  1. Hard boil the eggs. (I did 6 instead of 4 because we love eggs!)
  2. Thinly slice shallots and garlic.
  3. Slice pork belly into 1"x2" pieces.
  4. Mix together fish sauce, agave nectar, pepper, and salt.
  5. Saute shallots and garlic in dutch oven.
  6. Add pork belly and sear meat.
  7. Stir in seasoning and saute for a minute or two.
  8. Add coconut water and eggs.
  9. Cover and braise for 2 hours stirring occassionally. 
  10. Eat with rice and veggies.


  1. I want to eat this right now. Admittedly I am on another tortuous elimination diet for my stupid arthritis, but I would want to eat this anyway. Looks great!

    1. Thanks! Hope you are able to find out what you can and cannot eat soon and feel better!

  2. Oh my gosh that looks so good! Yummy... So you're bringing dinner on Tuesday night?? ;-)

    1. Thanks, Susan! Hehe... it's more than half gone! :)

  3. With a traditionalist culinary genius Vietnamese mother, I grew up on that stuff. Total comfort food. It is one of the biggest losses of my vegetarian life that I will never eat it again.

    1. Hehe... may have to request some vegetarian dish recipes from you!

  4. wow, this looks amazing, I'm so hungry after reading this. Yum.

    1. Thanks, Puddleduck! I wish there was more leftovers, too!
